You run a few steps and then dive onto your toboggan. You are immediately in the kamakazi position and picking up speed. Before the first corner you move back on the toboggan so your feet and the knives at the rear of the runners can steer you around the corner. Three corners and you can go forward briefly past the clubhouse before the famous Shuttlecock corner.
This is where your ride can end early in the straw.If you havent raked off enough speed you leave the run like a pip out of a lemon.Once you are through Shuttlecock you can to a degree enjoy the rest of the run before you cross the three red lines at finish where you are at maximum speed some 70 mph 9 inches above the ice. Then it is scrub off speed time until you hit the mats at finish.
You might be quick enough with getting your helmet off to hear the arbeiter call over his Motorola radio, "Run clear". Safety is paramount and the walkie talkies ensure that a rider can be confident that he will not hurtle around a corner and find an obstruction whether that be another rider or as once happened Rudolph!